Tackle consumption peaks with stored energy

Cactos helps you handle high consumption spikes without increasing your electricity connection size. Plus, you ensure your operations continue even during power outages.

How Cactos helps your transport and logistics business

Handle high consumption peaks
Facing significant electricity spikes in your daily operations? By using stored energy during peak consumption, Cactos helps you save on demand charges and keep up with the electrification of transport—without upgrading your connection.
Save on electricity bill with stored energy
As transport and logistics electrify, your energy needs will grow. Cactos lets you use stored energy during expensive hours and charge batteries when electricity is cheap. You can also store your renewable energy for later use.
Stay powered up at all times
With Cactos Cardo, you’re prepared for power outages. The automatic backup power ensures your operations continue without interruptions. Rest assured, your deliveries stay on track and charging stations stay powered.
Cactos Spine UI

Powering Finland’s first electric truck

Battery energy storage is a powerful way to balance consumption peaks caused by high-power EV charging. Cactos helped Oulun Baari service station manage transmission fees related to high-power charging.

Our nearly 2.5 MWh system, supplied to logistics company Logitri, provides the peak power needed to charge their electric truck while protecting them from price fluctuations and outages.

Earn extra by supporting the grid

Electricity consumption and production must always be balanced in the national grid. With Cactos, you can automatically participate in ancillary service markets to help maintain the stability of the grid and earn additional income. In 2023 and 2024, revenue from ancillary service market participation has at least covered our customers’ cost of leasing a Cactos system.

Currently, participation is available in Finland. Contact us to learn more about your country's status. The compensation is determined by the ancillary services market. The amount depends on factors such as your Cactos energy storage system's size, market prices, and the number of hours you offer reserve capacity.

More than just batteries

Cactos is more than just batteries. The system is powered by Cactos Spine software, which ensures the system works in your best interest 24/7. You can check what your system is doing in real time via the control panel.

Cactos Cardo

Energy storage for the transport and logistics industry

Our energy storage solutions, designed and manufactured in Finland, help you save money and use energy more efficiently around the clock.

Let’s power your future together

Want to see how Cactos can meet your needs—or request a quote? Get in touch today.